The Wild Child Has Arrived!!


It’s here – the charm to celebrate the Wild Child in all of us!  You know who she is – that little voice in your head that says you’re not like everybody else, you’re ready to go at the drop of a hat, you’re excited to be alive, you’ll fist fight anyone who wrongs your best friend (or your kids. . .).  We now have a charm to celebrate the side of all of us that refuses to conform.  We have our own Wild Child photo charm.  With a reverse side that reads, “You can’t make me. . .” 

As usual, Sabrina has designed a charm that’s incredibly fun, but also true.  And wouldn’t you know it, it’s also good-looking. 

Even better – she had help with this design.  The image in this charm was the winner of our design contest.  As you may recall, back on August 6 we published a post about our design contest winner, Deanna Hamsley.  We told you then that Sabrina was tweaking the adorable photo that won the contest, and that someday soon we’d have a new charm to show you. 

Now that the charm has been designed and is ready to order, we wanted to tell you a little more about Deanna and that irresistible baby.  Turns out it’s Deanna’s daughter, Emerson, who’s a Wild Child in her own right.  According to Deanna, little Emerson Hamsley was a sassy baby and a total “ham” from the moment she was old enough to smile for the camera.  She was a 7 month-old wild child in her high chair when her mama, looking for a photo of a sweet girl, pointed the camera and told her to say “cheese.”  This image is what Deanna got from her girl. 

Emerson’s grandparents loved the photo so much they had an 8 X 10 made and put it near their dining room table.  Emerson has thought all along the girl in the photo is her great friend – she talks to her when she eats at their table.  Deanna decided this was the perfect photo to enter in the contest – a face to make anyone smile. 

Deanna loves Pick Up Sticks.  She says she accosted a customer where she works when she saw the women wearing one of our necklaces.  She picked up her first piece at Bella Vita in Collierville, TN, where she lives. 

We asked Deanna about her favorite charms – she says she loves owls and owns the So Tweet charm.  She also owns the Love Cake charm and a few initial charms, but the cake charm is her favorite.  We’re betting that the new Wild Child charm may quickly become her favorite. 

This is what Pick Up Sticks is all about – creating charms that both reflect and speak to our lives, our friends, our families and our hearts.  Thanks again, Deanna, for giving us your wild child’s smile and sharing her story! 

Deanna, her husband and the adorable Emerson